ranma kicking some butt
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The Dreaded Dojo
Anything Goes School of Martial Arts

The Anything Goes School of Martial Arts is based on one key point, Anything Goes as long as you win. Though it is not a very honorable form of attack, it is very potent. The two known Schools who study this form of Martial Arts are very skilled in their Art.

Saotome School

  • Ranma Saotome
    Yo! Ranma Saotome here! I was asked to come in and teach you a thing or two about my fighting style. Besides the boring basics, I got a wide variety of components that I've adapted into the Anything-Goes techniques that I use. Since you seem to look like you're fairly trained, I'll skip right to the good stuff.
  • Neko Ken - Cat Fist
    This dreaded attack was taken into the school by a harsh and costly training inflicted upon me as a child by my father, Genma. Because of it I am deathly afraid of cats and when I get to a breaking point of my own, I snap and meow. Thus the dreaded Cat Fist technique is unleashed.
    Training is rough and was banned by the school long ago for intence emotional trauma from which I suffer now. You cover the "victim" in fish sausage and toss them into a pit of starving cats. Somehow, it instinctively triggers the effect of the Cat Fist.
    This is my most powerful and invincible technique, but it is unpredictable and uncontrolable. When I become a cat, not only can I not remember what happens, but I have no control over my actions, once trapping me in an akward situation where I kissed Akane.
  • Kachu Tenshin Amaguryken - Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
    I incorporated this technique from the Joketsuzoku style of fighting. The old ghoul, Shampoo's great grandmother, taught me this ancient technique to heighten my fighting ability. That way I could defeat her in combat and take the Phoenix pill from her. That's a long story, though.
    Okay, as far as training goes, speed is the key element to this technique. The ways that I learned are by pulling Chestnuts from amidst a blazing fire. I also got some practice in by snatching Pirhanas out of water without getting bitten, but I wouldn't suggest that for beginners.
    The benefits of learning such an attack are that you are able to throw about one hundred punches in what only appears to be one. Your hands become no more than a blur. Defence and offence are but one single motion to your opponent. A speed nearly unmatchable by the untrained.
  • Final Attack; Run Away!
    This technique isn't difficult. Pop explains it better, but I'll do my best. You sorta run off in the middle of a confusing battle and try to think of some better technique to break through your opponents attack or defence.
    Speed is the key, and psyching your opponent out by shouting Final Attack really loud. Yeah.. that's it. It's good for thinking things through, highly recomended for beginners.
  • Final Attack; Man Musk Project!
    This devastating attack works on the most perverted of perverts, in my case Happosai. The trick is to surround the poor fool with undergarments of sweaty men. Not a pleasant thought to anyone, I'm sure, but in this case it packs a potent punch that devastates your opponent.
    I formed this little task myself. Akane helped carry it out. We switched Happosai's panties with a collection of Furinkan's male athelete's undergarments. This drained Happosai of all power and made him suseptable to our attacks, though he was difficult to keep in that state of weakness.
  • Hiryu Shoten Ha - Rising Dragon Hurricane
    This technique was also accquired from the Joketsuzoku style of fighting, taught to me by Cologne again. I was weak at the time and needed to defeat Happosai to regain my full strength, so Cologne offered to teach this to me while I was out training with Pop and Ucchan (we needed a real cook).
    The training is extremely difficult and my weakened state didn't help at all. The first part involves spiralling forward at your opponent. After that has been accomplished, you have to stand on a rock in the middle of a hot springs and keep yourself cool. In the meantime you are attacked by an opponent who you must spiral toward. (Ryoga was happy to help out in the attacking part) The opponent needs all out anger to create a hot chi that you can focus back at them through your spiral. As your opponents attack reaches its peak, punch skyward and focus their chi into a wind.
    The force of the tornado is generated by a deadly energy concentrate that focuses in the center of the blast. This attack will leave all caught in it unconscious and the force of the drop is fatal. It's said that the only people to be caught in this blast and survive are myself and Herb, both times were within the same battle.
    Hiryu Shoten Ha Revised Horrizontal Blast
    This is a variation of the same technique that I formed in a fight with the long lost Tendo girls. With the force of my blast, fired horrizontally instead of vertically obviously, I push Akane forward with unnatural speed, while canceling out an incoming assult from the Tendo girls. This canceling out was a key element so that the force of the key output didn't destroy Akane. This leaves both opponents open to attack which Akane carries out at her advanced speed.
  • Saotome School's Underhanded Trick Secret Techniques
    This is another list of involving attacks that are recomended for beginners. They are so deadly and so secret that they must only be used as a back up against a seemingly invincible foe. It works well when doubled with the Final Attack; Run Away mentioned before.
    Wolf Fang Attack From the Rear
    The way that this is best used is when your opponents attention is directed so that you are facing his back. Easiest way for that is to point behind them and shout, "What's that!?" Then hook your fingers like the fangs of a wolf and leap forward at their back.
    Fierce Tiger Hit Figure
    Like a mighty tiger pinning it's prey beneath its claws the trick behind this technique is getting above a distracted opponent and dropping on to their back. Easiest way to accomplish this is to point at the ground and shout, "Look someone dropped 100 yen!" Anything above 100 is just not believable.
    Frog Run Over and Killed Figure
    This final one is very handy. You just mow down your opponent like a frog crushed beneath a tire of a car.
  • Moko Takabisha - Fierce Tiger Ball
    This special technique I formed by myself. Learning that Ryoga's Shishi Hakodan focused his depressive energy into a blast I quickly learned that he was way more depressed than me. So I focus my energy from my confidence and determination.
    Training didn't take long on this one. It only took a great deal of meditation to learn how to tap my emotions for energy. After a talk from Pop I realized that I was tapping the wrong ones and it all went up hill from there.
    By focusing my emotions into a chi blast, the power of the attack is much like being hit by a car, maybe a small truck. Very powerful.

  • Genma Saotome
    Hello. Call me Genma. I'll be teaching you a few of my tricks. I suppose they aren't as fancy as the boys, but you can't expect me to show you every trick in the book now, can you?
  • Final Attack; Run Away!
    Since Ranma couldn't do a satisfactory explaination of the key points of this technique, I will tell you of it myself. In good time.
  • The Saotome Secret Cooking Technique
    It's true not many think that this is a worthy technique, but it has helped Soun and I numerous years under the tyrrany of Master Happosai. Using this technique one learns the hard art of building a cast iron stomach. Eating beans and cabbage. That's the trick. All you need is a pot, a few sticks and the grub. Oh, and a fire, but that's easy. Learn it. May it serve you as well as it has for me.
  • Super Secret Ninja Attack; Now You See Me, Now You Don't
    In an attempt to defeat Master Happosai once and for all, Tendo and I set off to train for a great technique. What we found was another Master, Master Chingensai, wise in the ways of the Anything Goes Techniques. He taught the both of us individual techniques of invisablity.
    My technique is no simple task. First one must paint a back dropping that matches the scenery precisely. Then when the moment arises leap high into the air and land behind the dropping so that it seems very much like you have disappeared. Perhaps useful in psyching out your opponent.
  • Super Secret Ninja Tricks
    Here is a list of Ninja Strategies that Soun and I deploy.
    1. All things come to he who waits.
    2. To fool your enemy, it's first necessary to fool your friends.
    3. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
    4. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
    5. If it is broke, make sure it stays that way!
  • Fierce Tiger Falling Down
    This is a technique that I master many, many years ago. I was forced to teach it to my son when he was weakened greatly by Master Happosai. It is not one that I would pride myself on, but it has saved my life many times. Apparently the boy does not wish to share the technique with you (he does know it, don't get me wrong) so I shall tell you of it.
    To master the "Fierce Tiger Falling Down" technique one must place both palms against the ground, face the oppontent and fauwn saying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Thus re-creating a tiger that has fallen from a cliff in such a position.
    Such a technique's benefit is that it tends to calm down the opponent and especially pleases the Master. Thus the technique was born and now it is yours to command.
  • Demon Dog Wailing Defeat
    This is another amusing technique that I taught Ranma and he won't accept he knows. When faced against Ryoga's powerful Shishi Hakodan attack, I developed this technique to serve Ranma's needs. By stepping out of the attackers chi range and hurling numerous insults, it tends to throw the opponent off and infuriate him further. Thus making him much more wreckless, easier to defeat.

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